the Art of Divination IS an expression of communion with OUR Spirit Guides


I believe the Art of Divination is an expression of communion with my Spirit Guides and yours. When reading Tarot* I become an open conduit for revelations to be unveiled. These point to specific areas of your personal experience that need attention, highlighting personal challenges that need addressing, revealing energetic polarities that need rebalancing, illuminating physical, emotional and psychological incoherence.

With Shamanic Tarot* as the reading unfolds, we are invited by the Guides to perform shamanic rituals and ceremonies of energetic self-healing to restore balance and harmony within your being and I am guided to offer you unique and personalized rituals for you to perform at home, continuing your process of self-healing to a state of completion.

*All readings can be performed over Zoom


Trained in the shamanic tradition of egg-reading, candle-reading and body-scanning, I use these to make diagnoses before beginning a La Limpia Ceremony. They can also be used and requested as independent divining techniques.