shamanic tarot & CEREMONIAL HEALING
WELCOME! I’M Rachel!
It is my honor to BE in sacred service, in offering the Magical Art of Tarot and Shamanic traditional practices of Ceremony, Ritual and Healing to liberate, revitalize and empower the intimate dimensions of our Being. In communion with my council of Spirit Guides, I seek to activate deep transformational responses within our corporeal, energetic and etheric bodies, so we may awaken within the awareness of who we truly are. My dream is that we experience the fearlessness of our authentic nature, know the integrity of our spiritual wholeness and become the ever-evolving consciousness of our magical essence. May we all find our unique self-expression through exploring paths of self-discovery, self-realization and self-liberation.
My journey into Shamanism began over a decade ago with travels to Peru, Brazil and more recently Ecuador. I have trained with Shamans and Medicine Carriers from indigenous traditions of the Andes and the Amazon, receiving initiations and gaining experience in Sacred Ceremony. Trained in the Shamanic Arts of Healing, I call upon my Spirit Allies; Apus and Ñustas (Land Spirits) Spirit Guides, Spirit Animals, Ascended Masters, Cosmic Gardeners and Cosmic Light Beings, the Sacred Four Directions, Sacred Essences and Sacred Elements to activate and facilitate energetic liberation and purification of the physical, emotional and psychological bodies, restoring balance and harmony to our Luminous Energy Field, through ceremonial practices and rituals.
Shamanic Journeys to illuminate your spiritual path, to guide you on a Soul Retrieval or to accompany you on a journey to heal your Ancestral Lineage.
Transmissions of harmonizing light-frequencies to restore balance and harmony, initiating Energetic Healing and activating Spiritual Transformation.
Shamanic Ceremony
Ceremony is a key aspect to the path of Shamanism. I perform, guide and hold space for shamanic ceremonies which facilitate individual, family and community healings.
La Limpia is an ancient ceremony of energetic and spiritual cleansing, healing, purification and renewal, practiced by the Yachak (Birdmen and Birdwomen), Shamans and Healers of the Ecuadorian Andes.
I believe the Art of Divination is an expression of communion with our Spirit Guides. When reading Tarot, I become an open conduit for revelations to be unveiled.
Self-Knowing is the key to reclaiming our Power and our Truth so we may BE our most Authentic Self. When hidden aspects of ourselves are revealed to us and we encounter revelations which hold the power to broaden our self-perspective, we develop the ability to experience a profound sense of self-liberation. By becoming an open conduit for my Guides and yours, my intention is to unleash your creative life force, reveal your vision and purpose, empower your strength of will, activate your ability to face trauma and pain, so you may experience your inner freedom and flexibility; to connect you to your vibrant vitality and unveil your natural essence, so you may become ONE with your unbounded spirit. I am an Initiate of the Western Mystery Tradition. To align my will with that of the Divine Will, I practice Ritual Magic aligned with the Hermetic Qabalah and I convey these ancient practices of insight, wisdom and knowledge through Tarot, my most-loved medium for divination.